my class is getting better now but still, there's still room for improvement and ... went school early in the morning again. goodness. im dying man, i hab 3days of 9am class for a week sad ): met eileen,avalyn,shuting and i was late,sorry! i was so restless this few days, felt like sleeping for tutorials the whole day and class ended at 1pm. stayed back awhile afterwards with dss group member to discuss some stuffs. guess what?im the dss group leader loh ): poor thing.haha.
there's like only 2 reasons why i will take nap. 1. after going for camp 2. after swimming and guess what?i actually took a nap today without doing the 2things i stated. and this showed how tired i am. can't wait for friday cos friday is labour day=no school=i can sleep longer:D
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